
The Name of Jesus...

Oh I love His name… the Name of Jesus.

To the artist, He is altogether the Lovely One

To the architect, He is the Chief Cornerstone

To the astronomer, He’s the Bright and Morning Star

To the baker, He is the Living Bread

To the biologist, He is Life

To the carpenter, He is the Door

To the doctor, He is the Great Physician

To the editor, He is Good News

To the farmer, He is the Lord of the Harvest

To the friendless, He is the Friend that sticketh closer than a brother

To the florist, He is the Lily of the Valley and the Rose of Sharron

To the geologist, He is the Rock of Ages

To the jeweler, He is the Pearl of Great Price

To the lawyer, He is the Counselor and the Advocate

To the mother, He is the Lonely Son

To the outcast, He’s the Friend of sinners

To the pilgrim, He is the Way

To the potter, He is the Vessel of Honor

To the preacher, He is the Word of God

To the servant, He is the Good Master

To the sinner, He is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world

To the theologian, He is the Author and Finisher of our faith

To the thirsty, He is the Water of Life

To the weary, He is the Rest for the soul

To the Christian, He is the Son of the Living God, the Redeemer & Lord

In a society where Christ isn’t always welcome, let’s not work around the name of Jesus. Let’s lift it up and preach Jesus until He comes again.

(Taken from a wonderful message I listened to this morning while doing the dishes.)

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