
Leaving for the Summer...

Hey all! Brittany here. I know... it's been months since I've posted... so sorry!

I am going to be working at Triple S Christian Ranch again, in Rose Bud Arkansas, and I would appreciate your prayers!
  1. Pray that God would give me many opportunities to share the Gospel with the kids that come, and that they would be saved. I was able to lead the girl to my right to the Lord last year, and her sister also accepted Christ. It was so exciting and I really pray that God would give me more opportunities for that.

    2. Pray for God to work in the lives of all of those attending camp this year. Many, many decisions are made at places like Triple S.

3. Pray for me! Pray that God would keep me strong in my Christian walk there.

Thanks a heap! I would LOVE to receive letters, cards, and emails from you all!

Brittany Comstock
165 Christian Ranch Road
Rose Bud, AR 72137


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